Trix in San Francisco

Trix’ Travels was created with full cooperation of Trix the cat. She has been perfectly safe and lazy during the entire process that will now be posted every other Saturday. This weeks stop: San Francisco.

Fog and fur do not get along… I’ve been frizzy all morning , I might as well be used as a giant duster! Pfff… And the crazy human decided to tour this stop by bike. I have no clue why. There are busses here, and cars, why don’t we just take one of those?
I think I’ll remember this stop only because of the giant bridge, which is called ‘Golden’ but really is just red. I have no clue why they called it ‘Golden’, maybe the builder needs an eye-exam?

So there are bikes everywhere, which I did not really expect since there don’t seem to be much bikes anywhere else in the States. Or at least, not where we have been. There are bikes everywhere back at home, I know that. But we are far from home.
Today, I miss home a bit. I miss my cozy bed and my bowl with food. I hope my owner is doing alright without me. The mice better not get it stuck in their heads that they own the house, that’s for sure. Maybe it’s the fog here that makes me homesick. It can be foggy in Amsterdam. Lots of rain too. I like looking at rain, from inside the house of course. On this trip, I don’t like rain. The human has all this water resistant clothes, but I don’t and I don’t like getting my fur wet. The wet-dog-smell of other animals is even worse.
I do like the sunny days, and the days with snow that we had. I don’t play in the snow often, I’m more of an indoor-cat. I do wonder where we will go next. I hope a place where they have yummy food and warm sun again.

Trix thinks San Francisco has too much fog. Background: Robert Ashworth,

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Trix in New York


Trix in Mexico


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